Building the Valuation of Your Business Using the Cash Flow Story and Power of One.jpg

As a Scaling Up business coach, one of the key areas I focus on is helping companies grow not only in terms of revenue but also in value. Business valuation is a crucial indicator of success, particularly if you're aiming for long-term growth, attracting investors, or planning an eventual exit. One of the most powerful tools to aid in building your business's valuation is the Cash Flow Story tool, complemented by the Power of One concept, both outlined in Verne Harnish Harnish's book Scaling Up.

In this article, I'll explore how you can use these tools to increase the value of...


In the fast-paced world of business, having a clear and shared vision is essential for scaling up successfully. Without a cohesive plan, it’s easy for leadership teams to lose sight of the long-term goals, get bogged down by daily challenges, or face misalignment on priorities. One of the most powerful tools for creating this shared vision is the One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP), outlined in Verne Harnish's book Scaling Up.

As a Scaling Up business coach, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of this tool in aligning leadership teams, defining clear business objectives, and setting actionable steps toward success. In this guide, I will walk you through the process of creating a shared vision for your business using the OPSP framework, helping...

How Job Scorecards Can Transform Your Business - A Game-Changer for Performance and Growth.jpg

As a business leader, you know that hiring and retaining top talent is key to achieving sustainable growth. Yet, many businesses struggle with ensuring their team is aligned, productive, and fully equipped to meet the company’s strategic goals. One powerful tool that can help you overcome these challenges is the job scorecard. If you're unfamiliar with job scorecards or haven't implemented them in your business yet, you're missing out on a proven methodology that can significantly boost both individual and organizational performance.

What Are Job Scorecards?

A job scorecard is a strategic tool that defines the mission, key performance indicators (KPIs), and required competencies for any given role. Unlike traditional...

Scaling Up and Ironman Training - The Ultimate Marathon for Business Growth.jpg

If you’ve ever thought about training for an Ironman, you know it requires intense commitment, long-term planning, and relentless execution. Scaling a business using the Rockefeller Habits is much like preparing for this endurance race. Both journeys demand discipline, clear strategy, and constant refinement of skills. Here’s how my own Ironman training experience reflects the same principles that power business growth.

1. Vision & Goal Setting: The Why Behind It All

The Ironman journey started for me in October 2023 when I watched my son Chris race in Panama City, Florida. The seed was planted then, and by November, I kicked off my training with a clear vision of crossing the finish line. I got buy-in from my family, especially my wife...

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As a 20+ year CEO scaling up practitioner and certified Scaling Up coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of strategic planning in transforming businesses. One of the most potent tools in the Scaling Up toolkit is the Vision Summary. This tool is designed to align the leadership team around a clear, concise vision and strategy, creating a roadmap that guides the organization towards its long-term goals. In this article, I will dive into the importance of the Vision Summary tool, its components, and how it can be effectively utilized to scale your business.

The Importance of the Vision Summary Tool

The Vision Summary is not just a document; it’s a strategic tool that serves as the foundation for your company’s growth. It distills the essential...

The Essential Roles of an Owner and CEO in Scaling a Business: Strategy, Leadership, Capital Allocation, and People.jpg

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurial ventures, the dual role of an owner and CEO is both a privilege and a profound responsibility. This intersection, where leadership meets vision, is where the true value of a business is cultivated and grown. For small to mid-market businesses, where the owner often wears the CEO hat, understanding the core responsibilities of this role is not just beneficial—it's critical for sustained growth and success.

The Paramount Job of the Owner: Business Valuation

At the heart of an owner's mission is the enhancement of business valuation. This isn't just about the financial worth but also involves the intrinsic value provided to customers, employees, and the community. It’s a comprehensive view that goes...

Gearing Up Your Team for a Strong Finish in Q4.png

As we approach the final quarter of the year, the pressure to finish strong is more intense than ever. Whether your team has been hitting targets consistently or struggling to keep up, Q4 represents a critical opportunity to consolidate gains, recover lost ground, and set the stage for a successful year ahead. As a 20+ year CEO scaling up practitioner and a certified Scaling Up coach, I’ve guided numerous teams through the challenges of the final quarter, and I can confidently say that preparation and focus during this period can make or break your year.

The Importance of a Q4 Focus

The fourth quarter is often a time of reflection, but more importantly, it's a time for action. It’s when businesses need to align their strategies, push through obstacles, and...

Crafting a Leadership Creed - Guiding Principles for Exceptional Leadership.png

Leadership is more than a position or a title; it is an attitude, a set of beliefs, and a way of life that drives individuals and organizations to excellence. As a 20+ year CEO scaling up practitioner and certified scaling up coach, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of a well-defined leadership creed. A leadership creed articulates the core values, principles, and behaviors that define exceptional leadership within an organization. It serves as a compass, guiding leaders at all levels towards a unified vision and fostering a culture of continuous growth and development.

In this article, we will explore the essential components of a leadership creed, drawing insights from my experience and the exercise instructions provided. By the end, you will have a...

Mastering Meeting Rhythms - A Key to Scaling Up Success.jpeg

In the dynamic world of fast-growing businesses, the rhythm of meetings is pivotal. Establishing a structured cadence ensures alignment, fosters accountability, and accelerates decision-making. As a seasoned CEO scaling up practitioner and certified Scaling Up coach, I have witnessed the transformative power of well-executed meeting rhythms. Let’s delve into the critical components of effective meeting rhythms and their profound impact on organizational growth.

Daily Huddles: Synchronize and Mobilize

Purpose and Structure:

Daily huddles are brief, standing meetings lasting 7-15 minutes. They are essential for daily synchronization and provide a pulse-check on immediate issues. Their primary purpose is to evaluate progress...

Unlocking the Power of Talent Assessment -A Guide for Business Leaders.jpeg

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscape, having the right talent in the right roles is paramount for sustained success. As a 20+ year CEO scaling up practitioner and certified scaling up coach, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of robust talent assessment practices. Leveraging insights from the Aspire Talent Assessment Manager Guide, this article delves into the importance of talent assessment and provides a comprehensive framework to help leaders effectively evaluate and develop their teams.

Why Talent Assessment Matters

Talent assessment is more than a quarterly checkbox activity; it is a strategic tool that drives organizational growth, enhances employee engagement, and aligns talent with business goals. Regular...

Executive Coaching - The Gateway to Unparalleled Business Leadership.jpg

In the ever-evolving business landscape, executive coaching has emerged as a pivotal tool for cultivating high-caliber leaders. This specialized form of coaching transcends traditional training methods, offering personalized guidance to enhance an executive's leadership skills. With companies constantly seeking a competitive edge, investing in certified executive coach services has become increasingly popular.

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In today's dynamic corporate world, executive coaching has become a vital tool for empowering leaders. This specialized coaching process is designed to maximize the potential of individuals in key leadership roles.

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In a globalized business world, executive coaching plays a pivotal role in developing leaders with the skills and perspectives necessary to lead across cultural and geographical boundaries.

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In an era where ethical leadership is more important than ever, executive coaching plays a critical role in shaping leaders who not only drive success but also uphold integrity and ethical standards in the corporate world.

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In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, executive coaching has become a crucial tool for leaders seeking to navigate these complexities. It provides the guidance and support necessary to unleash their full leadership potential.

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In a digital age where technology and innovation shape the business landscape, executive coaching has become crucial for leaders to stay ahead. It's a strategic tool that equips leaders to navigate the complexities of digital transformation effectively.

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Executive coaching is pivotal in preparing leaders for the dynamic challenges of the future. It's a strategic investment that molds visionary leaders capable of steering their organizations through uncertainty and change.

Executive Coaching - A Catalyst for Extraordinary Leadership Transformation.jpg

Executive coaching has become a cornerstone in the development of exceptional leadership. It's a strategic tool that transforms good leaders into great ones, fostering a culture of excellence in organizations.

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In an era where business dynamics are constantly shifting, executive coaching has become an essential tool for navigating the complexities of modern leadership. This personalized form of development is geared towards empowering leaders to excel in their roles and drive organizational success.

The Transformative Power of Executive Coaching for Organizational Success.jpg

In the rapidly evolving corporate world, the role of executive coaching has become increasingly significant. This specialized form of personal development is designed not just for individual growth, but for catalyzing wide-reaching organizational transformation.


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Many Companies Start Up… Only a Few Scale Up!



Attract and keep the right people to drive your company towards achieving your goals.

Q: Would you enthusiastically rehire everyone on your team?

The People Decision is about creating a harmonious culture of acountability.

Q: Does your company have the right people in the right roles doing the right things to drive your company towards achieving your goals

Learn to attract and keep the right people by:

  • Ensuring you have a high-performing leadership team that is focused on the right priorities and with ownership of the core processes that are vital to your success.
  • Assessing your talent so you have high performing A-players who fit in with your culture and are highly productive.
  • Building a culture where your managers know how to grow and retain top talent.


Create a truly differentiated strategy that will drive sustainable growth and set you apart from the competition.

Q: Do you have a differentiated strategy that is driving sustainable growth?

The Strategy Decision is about strong topline revenue growth.

Q: Thinking about your company's strategy, can you state it simply, does everyone understand it, and is it driving sustainable growth?

Work with us to create a truly differentiated strategy by:

  • Solidifying your 3-5 year plan so you know what markets you will dominate and how you will get there.
  • Strengthing your uncommon offering to satisfy your core customer's needs and fears.
  • Identifying marketplace trends and make sure you have an innovation process to sustain long term revenue growth.


Get your whole company aligned and working efficiently with flawless execution of your initiatives.

Q: Is your whole company aligned and working efficiently toward your goals?

The Execution Decision is about converting hard-earned revenue efficiently into profit.

Q: Are all the processes in your company running smoothly, without drama, and driving industry-leading profitability?

Let us help you learn how to drive flawless execution by:

  • Identifying the priorities upon which everyone should be focused to achieve your annual plan.
  • Choosing balanced metrics to generate the desired positive impact without harming another area of the company.
  • Establishing swift and efficient communication flow to speed up your business and ensure alignment.


Identify and maintain consistent sources of cash to fuel your company's growth.

Q: Do you have consistent sources of cash to fuel growth?

The Cash Decision is about having sufficient, perhaps abundant cash to have options and make wise decisions.

Q: Are you generating enough cash so you're not overly dependent on outside financing sources?

Learn how we identify sources of cash you might not have even known you have by:

  • Shortening the time it takes to get from sales proposal to cash in the bank.
  • Identifying your most profitable products/services and which ones are dragging you down.
  • Working to improve the 7 key financial variables you can directly influence to strongly impact cash flow.

Contact Aspire Growth Advisors Today


Herb Cogliano

  • Managing Partner

  • 781-953-3355
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